Amidst our hectic lives it is easy to miss important moments in the lives of others. We at St Anne are blessed to have so many people that represent diversity and accomplishment. Each of us has many ways that we contribute to the fabric which makes up the community we live in.
Fifth-graders find science can be a blast
It recently came to our attention that long time St Anne member Kim Odenweller, despite her technical retirement from teaching, is still following her passion and contributing to the development of Stockton’s youth. Anyone that know Kim is keenly aware that those passions run so deep that she can barely contained them. If you missed the article in the Record here is a link .
Kim is not the only person at St Anne that has been recognized for there contributions and accomplishment by The Record. Here are some other links to articles about some of our favorite people.
Gilbert: Remarkable life continues for 101-year-old Stockton man Congratulations Al.
The melody lingers on for jazz songstress Cissandra Thanks Sandra