Diocese of San
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The Friday Reflection Title
January 6, 2017

Happy New Year to all and Happy NEWS Year!
Many thanks go to our readers for your loyalty to The Friday Reflection. We appreciate the support of news articles and pictures from our parishes and missions and we encourage clergy and laity to continue sending in the Good News of the Diocese of San Joaquin.
In The Friday Reflection we also bring news from the Church at Large to increase awareness of who we are as Episcopalians and to bring awareness of the many ways The Episcopal Church can help us with our missions. This year’s focus of The Friday Reflection will be on Stewardship, which encompasses everything from Creation Care to Annual Giving. Please take advantage of the resources that are available to your congregation. Weekly, The Friday Reflection lists links to organizations within the church that offer news, inspiration, education, and support. With a click on a link one can find many valuable tools that help with leadership, stewardship, grants, service and mission. For example, in this email issue of The Friday Reflection free webinars from the Episcopal Church Foundation are highlighted and the link to TENS is a site that offers yearlong stewardship ideas and tools. Our Diocese pays dues for this service so please take advantage of TENS.
Canon Anna is also available to help direct you to resources, brainstorm creative ministry ideas and assist your congregation with leadership development, stewardship, and grants through The Episcopal Church. Please feel free to contact her to ask for support; much of what the Church has to offer is user-friendly and easy to access.
We ask your assistance with promoting The Friday Reflection to all in your praying community. Signing up is easy. Please direct others to our Diocesan Website (www.diosanjoaquin.org) where there is a link to subscribe to The Friday Reflection. We also strongly encourage those in our diocese who serve as a Vestry or Bishop Committee member or Treasurer, a Delegate/Alternate to Diocesan Convention, a Deputy to General Convention or as a Diocesan Committee member to read The Friday Reflection weekly to stay informed.
Fill up with the Good News that will inform, guide, assist and inspire!
Diocesan Staff

Dear friends,
I can remember watching CNN as they covered the election of Gene Robinson to become the Bishop of New Hampshire. I was in my parent’s living room and my mother’s response was “How can the church let this happen”…I responded “How could it not?” For me, the election of Bishop Gene meant that finally, my sister, my friends, and many colleagues were now welcome in a church that had claimed “All Are Welcome” for years, but didn’t necessarily mean it. It was my great pleasure to meet Bishop Gene at the General Convention in Indianapolis during the Integrity Eucharist, where I shared this story with him.
This story is one of many in my family of origin around sexuality. Chances are you have some of these stories of your own, or know someone who does.
In our current political climate, the church is being called even more to a place of welcome. We have the unique opportunity to really practice and believe that “All Are Welcome.” One way we can practice that is by learning about and celebrating the lives of our LGBTQI brothers and sisters, so that we can be better allies and friends.
If you are unfamiliar with Integrity, which is The Episcopal Church’s LGBTQI ministry, I encourage you to check out their website (http://www.integrityusa.org), but more importantly, I encourage you to attend the Integrity Retreat which is scheduled for Jan 20-22 at ECCO. If you’ve never attended the Integrity Retreat, I hear it’s a weekend not to miss…good food, good drink and great company! Bp David and I will be there and hope that you will join us!
I pray that we may all live in a world and church where we can “proclaim and embody the all-inclusive love of God through worship, education, and advocacy.”
Peace be with you,
Canon Anna

Women’s Retreat
Saturday, February 4, 2017
St. James Cathedral, Fresno
10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
What do you know about Mary?
Women of the Diocese of San Joaquin and their friends and neighbors are invited to attend a one day retreat at St. James Cathedral, 4147 E. Dakota Avenue, Fresno. Canon Anna will lead us in an Epiphany study of Mary. After a morning of welcome, prayer, and reflections, we will break for lunch. In the afternoon you will have your choice of activities ranging from quiet time, arts, and meditative to allow the Holy Spirit to work within you. For more information and registration form click  here.

Leadership Webinars
ECF’s free webinars are a great way to get your congregational leadership teams engaged in the strategic, leadership, and financial topics that are essential to the health of your congregation. The 2017 winter schedule includes webinars on vestry leadership, investment strategies for 2017, planning for the end of life, preaching and leadership, understanding congregational conflict, and more.
  • Vestry Orientation, January 12, 2017 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST: This webinar will help you understand roles, responsibilities, and best practices for vestries.
  • Vestry Covenants: A Great Start to 2017, January 24, 2017 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST:
    A covenant can be a powerful tool for helping a vestry or other leadership team to establish group expectations and accountability
  • Investment Strategies for Endowments for 2017, January 25, 2017 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST: How should you position your endowment/investment fund portfolio for 2017 with the advent of a new administration in Washington?
  • Spirits in Scripture and in Today’s Church, January 26, 2017 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST:
    The Rev. Reed Carlson, 2015 ECF Fellow and a doctoral candidate in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at Harvard University, presents on spirits in early Judaism and Christianity.
  • Fulfilling your Wishes and Planning for the End of Life, February 1, 2017 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST: Few things are more important than making certain that your assets are distributed as you wish at your death, or ensuring the kind of funeral/memorial service you would desire.
  • [Spanish webinar] Orientación de la junta parroquial, February 7, 2017 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EST: Este webinar le ayudará a entender los papeles, responsabilidades, y las mejores prácticas para la junta parroquial.
  • Vestry Orientation, February 9, 2017 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST: This webinar will help you understand roles, responsibilities, and best practices for vestries.
  • Ways to Let God Lead Your Vestry, February 23, 2017 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST:
    Presented by the Rev. Dr. Blair Pogue, Rector of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in St. Paul, MN, this webinar will discuss how clergy and vestry leaders can re-envision their vestry so members can help the church stay focused on what matters most: what God is up to in the lives of church members and their neighbors.
  • Preaching and Leadership, March 7, 2017 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST: This webinar will feature three panelists who will discuss and take questions on the connection between preaching, formation, and congregational leadership, as well as their practices for preparing to preach on Sunday.
  • First Steps in Understanding Congregational Conflict, March 9, 2017 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST: This one-hour webinar will introduce a theological and biblical context for seeing and understanding that conflict is essentially relational.
  • You Can Do It Too – Succeeding by Failing Faithfully, March 30, 2017 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST: Presented by the Rev. Dr. Robert K. Leopold, ECF Fellow, this webinar is crafted for leaders devoted to discerning the work of the Holy Spirit in their context and wondering how they might get on board.

Welcome to the Jesus Movement:
Episcopal Church slates 2017-2018 Revivals
[December 19, 2016] The Episcopal Church is working with diocesan teams to organize a series of Episcopal Revivals in 2017 and 2018, six major events that promise to stir and renew hearts for Jesus, to equip Episcopalians as evangelists, and to welcome people who aren’t part of a church to join the Jesus Movement.
“I love the surprised response when people hear we’re organizing Episcopal Revivals,” said the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, the Presiding Bishop’s Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation and Stewardship of Creation. “Why wouldn’t we? A revival is a movement of the Spirit among the people of God, a concrete sign that we want to share God’s love out loud with each other and with new people. That sounds like the Jesus Movement.”
The six Episcopal Revivals will vary in design, but most will be multi-day events that feature dynamic worship and preaching, offerings from local artists and musicians, personal testimony and storytelling, topical speakers, invitation to local social action, engagement with young leaders, and intentional outreach with people who aren’t active in a faith community.
The Revivals rise from partnerships of diocesan leadership and the Presiding Bishop’s Office for Evangelism Initiatives Neighboring dioceses are welcomed and encouraged to join. For more information: www.episcopalchurch.org/evangelism 
Revivals are multi-day events filled with such elements as energizing worship and prayers services, dynamic preachers, mesmerizing music, personal testimony and storytelling, topical speakers, and a call to action.
“These ‘Jesus Movement’ Revivals will motivate, equip, and mobilize dioceses to love and follow Jesus and to engage in his work of evangelism and reconciliation,” said Carrie Boren Headington, the church’s Consulting Evangelist for Revivals, who also serves as Missioner for Evangelism in the Diocese of Dallas. “We’re beginning months beforehand with research and training for leaders to learn about the locations where God has placed them and to build faithful relationship with their neighbors and communities. Then we work with local teams to shape an inspiring gathering that shares the good news in word and deed.”
Spellers explained that the Revivals serve as a foundation for continued service to the Jesus Movement. “Every Revival will have a clear plan for follow-up, to continue to water seeds the Spirit has planted. There might be a new church plant or new Mission Enterprise Zone,” she explained. “It might be a Jubilee Ministry born of new, reconciling relationships in the community. Most of all, we hope these Revivals help Episcopalians and our neighbors everywhere to fall more deeply in love with Jesus – a loving, liberating, life-giving God they might never have met before.”
Revival Dates
Six Episcopal Church Revivals have been slated for 2017 and 2018, and more will be planned in the years ahead:
February 3 – 5: Diocese of Pittsburgh (pilot)
May 5 – 7: Diocese of West Missouri
September 23-24: Diocese of Georgia
November 17-19: Diocese of San Joaquin
April 6 – 8, 2018: Diocese of Honduras
July 2018: Joint Evangelism Mission with the Church of England
The first Revival will be held in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, called The Presiding Bishop’s Pilgrimage for Reconciliation, Healing and Evangelism in Southwestern Pennsylvania. It will feature a worship service celebrating Absalom Jones and other gatherings that invite people across boundaries and into reconciling relationship with each other and with God. Many of the events will be live-streamed or available on demand here. www.episcopalchurch.org/evangelism.
For more information on the Revivals contact Headington at [email protected] or Spellers at [email protected]. For information on the Revival in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, contact Rich Creehan at [email protected] or check the website here:


Go To: https://withoutpermission.org/2017-benefit-dinner/

Province VIII logo

Californian Episcopal bishops send letter of concern to Trump: Calls for reconsideration of Environmental Protection Agency head and cabinet appointments

During the month of December, the Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus, Bishop of California, gathered support from all Episcopal bishops in the state of California on a group letter voicing concern over President-elect Trump’s intended appointment of Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency. The bishops also state their continuing support for all people in the United States and call for him to be “a leader for all […] but especially [a] protector for the vulnerable” by reconsidering his cabinet choices. The letter was sent today, December 29, to President-elect Trump in hard copy and electronic form. For letter in full click here.

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month
The Kern Coalition Against Human Trafficking(KCAHT) is holding muliple events in Bakersfield. Read more

Episcopal Youth Event (EYE17) will be held in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma from July 10-14, 2017 on the campus of the University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond.
If you are interested in being an adult chaperone contact the Diocesan Office.
For more information on EYE2017go to:

2017 Lenten Resources

We invite you to commemorate Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday on the first Sunday in Lent, March 5, 2017, or another convenient date during the Lenten season.
To help your congregation prepare for this special Sunday and for the Lenten journey, we encourage you to order the 2017 Lenten Meditations guide. Available in English and Spanish, this year’s devotional focuses on creating economic opportunities and strengthening communities, with a particular focus on empowering women. The daily readings are co-authored by a group of leaders from across the Anglican Communion, who bring a range of perspectives as they reflect on Scripture and other sources of spiritual wisdom.

– See more at:

Erskine Fire at Lake Isabella: Help Still Needed!
Thank you very much for your donations to help the parishioners whose property was damaged by the Erskine Fire at Lake Isabella. Trailer and water pump needs have been supplied!

Financial donations are needed to assist with installation and repair, hook-up costs and other needs to get our people on their own again.
Donations can be mailed to:

St. Sherrian’s Episcopal Church P.O. Box 1837,
Kernville, CA 93238.
Memo: Erskine Fire Assistance

2017 Theme:
Journey to Generosity

The theme for the 2017 pledge drive materials provided by TENS will be, “Journey to Generosity”.  Bulletin inserts, letters and other support material will carry this theme and logo.  Look for additional information in January, 2017. Stewardship is year long!

Who are your neighbors?

This information for your community can be found on The Episcopal Church website at:

The Five Marks of Mission
Click here for poster to post

  Safeguarding God’s Children
Please review your Safeguarding God’s Children program in your parish. Are all volunteers working with children current with the training or have gone through the program?
Please contact Stephanie Gilmer, Diocesan Coordinator at [email protected].

Missional Bags

Please send your donations to The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin, 1528 Oakdale Road, Modesto, CA 95355. Please write Yellow Bags in the memo line. Thank you.

Diocesan EventsNorthern Deanery Meeting
January 14, 10am
St. Francis, Turlock
Integrity Retreat
January 20-22, ECCOStanding Committee
Teleconference Meeting

January 24, 6:30pm

Diocesan Council Teleconference Meeting
January 26, 6:30pmCentral Deanery Meeting
January 28, TBD
St James Cathedral, Fresno

Women’s Retreat
February 4, 10am-3pm
St. James Cathedral, Fresno
Commission on Ministry Meeting
February 11, 10am
St. James Cathedral
Diocesan Council/Standing Committee Retreat
February 17-18, ECCO
Southern Deanery Meeting
February 25, 11am
St. Paul’s, Bakersfield
Diocesan Special Convention
March 4
St. James Cathedral

Friday Reflection

All articles and special news can be submitted to the Diocesan Office at: [email protected]

All submissions are due MONDAY for the following Friday Reflection.
Submission requirements:

pictures -JPEG format
articles- word document
linked documents- PDF

Please send all information as attachments.
Please edit pictures for best brightness, contrast, and lighting before sending in.
Thank you.
Ellen Meyer, Administrator
The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin  1528 Oakdale Road, Modesto, CA 95355
PH 209-576-010209-576-0104 F 209-576-0114 E [email protected]
The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin, 1528 Oakdale Road, Modesto, CA 95355

Comments closed.