Dear St. Anne’s community,
Happy Saturday to you all. I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. Please join me at 11:00am tomorrow on the St. Anne’s Facebook page: <> for Sunday Service. The recorded service will be posted to the St. Anne’s Facebook page later in the day to watch as you are able. A guide for the service is attached to this email.

Congregational Guide For Sunday September 27, 2020

At 9:30 join us for our Adult Education Forum looking at the Old Testament: <>
Meeting ID: 899 8325 2835
Passcode: 685428
At 11:45am following the service join us for a virtual coffee hour. Grab a goodie from your kitchen then click the Zoom link below to see and chat with others from the church: <>
You can also always find all the information about our digital church offerings on our website under the calendar
tab: <>
The weekly prayer requests from the congregation are:
Pray for the sick:
Rick & Benice
Pray for those who died:
Sylvia Dobrow
Please send your prayer requests to the office through the week and I will send them out on Saturday with the service info and add them to the prayers on Sunday morning.
Finally, if you are having trouble accessing the online resources please reach out to me and I can walk you through what to do. You can email me back: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> or call me at: 707-718-5552.
Peace to you all.

Dear St. Anne’s community,
> Happy Saturday to you all. I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. Please join me at 11:00am tomorrow on the St. Anne’s Facebook page: <> for Sunday Service. The recorded service will be posted to the St. Anne’s Facebook page later in the day to watch as you are able. A guide for the service is attached to this email.

Click to see the Congregational Guide For Sunday September 20, 2020

> At 9:30 join us for our Adult Education Forum looking at the Old Testament:
> <>
> Meeting ID: 899 8325 2835
> Passcode: 685428
> At 11:45am following the service join us for a virtual coffee hour. Grab a goodie from your kitchen then click the Zoom link below to see and chat with others from the church:
> <>
> You can also always find all the information about our digital church offerings on our website under the calendar
> tab: <>
> The weekly prayer requests from the congregation are:
> Pray for the sick:
> Richele
> Tiffany
> Danny
> Heather
> Marcus
> Rick & Benice
> Cindy
> Amy
> Pray for those who died:
> Sylvia Dobrow
> Please send your prayer requests to the office through the week and I will send them out on Saturday with the service info and add them to the prayers on Sunday morning.
> Finally, if you are having trouble accessing the online resources please reach out to me and I can walk you through what to do. You can email me back: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> or call me at: 707-718-5552.
> Peace to you all.

Dear St. Anne’s community,
Happy Saturday to you all. I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. Please join me at 11:00am tomorrow on the St. Anne’s Facebook page: <> for Sunday Service. The recorded service will be posted to the St. Anne’s Facebook page later in the day to watch as you are able. A guide for the service is attached to this email.

Click the following link.  Congregational Guide For Sunday September 12, 2020

At 9:30 join us for our Adult Education Forum looking at the Old Testament: <>
Meeting ID: 899 8325 2835
Passcode: 685428
At 11:45am following the service join us for a virtual coffee hour. Grab a goodie from your kitchen then click the Zoom link below to see and chat with others from the church: <>
You can also always find all the information about our digital church offerings on our website under the calendar
tab: <>

Dear St. Anne’s community,
Happy Saturday to you all. I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. Please join me at 11:00am tomorrow on the St. Anne’s Facebook page: <> for Sunday Service. The recorded service will be posted to the St. Anne’s Facebook page later in the day to watch as you are able. A guide for the service is attached to this email.

Click this link for the Congregational Guide. Congregational Guide For Sunday August 30, 2020

At 9:30 join us for our Adult Education Forum looking at the Old Testament: <>
Meeting ID: 899 8325 2835
Passcode: 685428
At 11:45am following the service join us for a virtual coffee hour. Grab a goodie from your kitchen then click the Zoom link below to see and chat with others from the church: <>
You can also always find all the information about our digital church offerings on our website under the calendar
tab: <>
The weekly prayer requests from the congregation are:
Richele – Cancer
Tiffany – Blood infection and surgery
Danny – Stroke and surgery
Heather Ryan – Recovery from surgery
Marcus Gonzales – COVID
Rose Marie – Stroke, listed in serious condition
Please send your prayer requests to the office through the week and I will send them out on Saturday with the service info and add them to the prayers on Sunday morning.
Finally, if you are having trouble accessing the online resources please reach out to me and I can walk you through what to do. You can email me back: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> or call me at: 707-718-5552.
Peace to you all.

Dear St. Anne’s community,
Happy Saturday to you all. I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. Please join me at 11:00am tomorrow on the St. Anne’s Facebook page: <> for Sunday Service. The recorded service will be posted to the St. Anne’s Facebook page later in the day to watch as you are able. A guide for the service is attached to this email.
Click the Link for the guide. Congregational Guide For Sunday August 23, 2020
At 9:30 join us for our Adult Education Forum looking at the Old Testament: <>
Meeting ID: 899 8325 2835
Passcode: 685428
At 11:45am following the service join us for a virtual coffee hour. Grab a goodie from your kitchen then click the Zoom link below to see and chat with others from the church: <>
You can also always find all the information about our digital church offerings on our website under the calendar
tab: <>
The weekly prayer requests from the congregation are:
Prayers for the sick: Richele – cancer
Tiffany – Blood infection
Danny – Stroke
Please send your prayer requests to the office through the week and I will send them out on Saturday with the service info and add them to the prayers on Sunday morning.
Finally, if you are having trouble accessing the online resources please reach out to me and I can walk you through what to do. You can email me back: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> or call me at: 707-718-5552.
Peace to you all.

Dear St. Anne’s community,
Happy Saturday to you all. I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. Please join me at 11:00am tomorrow on the St. Anne’s Facebook page: <> for Sunday Service. The recorded service will be posted to the St. Anne’s Facebook page later in the day to watch as you are able. A guide for the service is attached to this email.

Congregational Guide For Sunday August 16, 2020

At 11:45am following the service join us for a virtual coffee hour. Grab a goodie from your kitchen then click the Zoom link below to see and chat with others from the church: <>
At 2:00pm is the last season of the Summer Theology Book Club: <>
You can also always find all the information about our digital church offerings on our website under the calendar
tab: <>
The weekly prayer requests from the congregation are:
Prayers for the sick: Richele – cancer
Tiffany – Blood infection
Danny – Stroke
Please send your prayer requests to the office through the week and I will send them out on Saturday with the service info and add them to the prayers on Sunday morning.
Finally, if you are having trouble accessing the online resources please reach out to me and I can walk you through what to do. You can email me back: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> or call me at: 707-718-5552.
Peace to you all.

Dear St. Anne’s community,
Happy Saturday to you all. I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. Please join me at 11:00am tomorrow on the St. Anne’s Facebook page: <> for Sunday Service. The recorded service will be posted to the St. Anne’s Facebook page later in the day to watch as you are able. A guide for the service is attached to this email.
At 11:45am following the service join us for a virtual coffee hour. Grab a goodie from your kitchen then click the Zoom link below to see and chat with others from the church: <>
You can also always find all the information about our digital church offerings on our website under the calendar
tab: <>
Finally, if you are having trouble accessing the online resources please reach out to me and I can walk you through what to do. You can email me back: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> or call me at: 707-718-5552.
Peace to you all.

Click the link below to view the Congregational Guide

Congregational Guide For Sunday August 9, 2020