
Over the years, there has been an inordinate amount of ink spilt on the significance of first impressions, what I have typically coined as the image of the “shop-front-window.” These impressions and images can leave rather indelible and memorable imprints upon our lives.
Our first encounter of San Joaquin, and I hasten to add impression, was the moment Tracy and I walked through Customs in SF Airport and awaiting us was our Diocesan Chancellor, Michael Glass. Michael acted as chauffeur and tour guide throughout our journey from SF to Fresno. Michael, I wish to say to you and before the readers of this installation of The Friday Reflection, you provided an absolutely wonderful introduction to and impression and image of San Joaquin for us. Thank you.
Upon our arrival in Fresno and following a most welcomed night of sleep, we were greeted by Canon Kate. Kate was immediately warm and welcoming, not-to-mention, exceedingly helpful in the ways in which she offered gentle guidance and counsel and care. Thank you Kate.
We next met Ellen Meyer in the office at St. Paul’s in Modesto and how wonderful it was to attach the voice and written words to the person. Thank you Ellen for the lovely and efficient ways you have prepared for and given attention to our arrival and beginning in SJ.
Our first occasion in the diocese was Pub-Night at St. Anne’s, Stockton. I want to express my appreciation for and congratulations to Rev’d Lyn and everyone who contributed to this stunning event. On the night we experienced much laughter, singing of very familiar songs and we even enjoyed imbibing a good ole English ale or two. What fun it was, thank you Lyn and everyone from St. Anne’s.
Sunday morning was my first “visitation” and said visitation was at St. John the Baptist, Lodi. It would be completely-and-utterly remiss of me if I didn’t say, San Joaquin, you could not have scripted this any better. The welcome and reception and hospitality were, well in a word, extraordinary! Rev’d Elaine, to you and everyone who contributed to this marvelous “first-visitation” experience, many thanks. And thank you to the people of St. John the Baptist for the assortment of wine (Go Lodi!) and the other gifts.
And of course there was Sunday afternoon at St. Paul’s in Modesto. The Service of Dedication and Celebration was beautifully crafted and I trust the liturgy reflected the hope and aspirations of The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin. To Rev’d Kathleen and to everyone at St. Paul’s, thank you, thank you, three times thank you for the noteworthy day that was.
I also want to seize this opportunity to thank my soon-to-be predecessor Bishop Chet for his generosity and grace in ensuring that this transition is as seamless and healthy as possible. Thank you +Chet. I will endeavor to continue the wonderful work you offered to SJ and Bishop Jerry before you. And I also wish to offer words of appreciation and gratitude to Rev’d Michele and the Standing Committee for the many ways in which you helped us to “Hear what the Spirit was saying to us” as we discerned the possibility of shifting to San Joaquin. Your words of hope, enthusiasm and encouragement certainly made “praying to this point” far easier. Thank you.
So, as far as first impressions and images are concerned, the “shop-front-window” is full of promise. Rich hospitality, genuine care, significant laughter and sincere hope speak well of us and will continue to serve us well and all of God’s People now and in the days before us.
Lastly, in the words of the Presiding Bishop which she expressed to me on Sunday,
“Now, let’s get to work!”
“Participating in God’s Reconciling Love” |
Call to Special Convention… |
The Recognition and Seating
of the
Provisional Bishop
The Right Rev. David Rice
Get your reservation in!
The “Party” Bus to Special Convention Continues to Fill!
Take off is 5:30 a.m. on March 29th from the Park and Ride lot on the west side of Vintage Faire Mall in Modesto. March 8th remains the cutoff date for the $50 rate. All reservations after the 8th (if available) go to $65.00 until the bus is filled. Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in this Special Convention at one of the diocese’s newly returned churches. For information and reservations contact (209) 869-1075, or [email protected]. Be there or be square!
Episcopal Youth Event 2014
Anyone in high school during 2013/14 year
July 9 – July 13, 2014
University, Philadelphia, PA
The upcoming event marks the twelfth EYE, which remains a popular and well-attended event. EYE14 is geared for youth in grades 9-12 during the 2013-2014 academic year and their adult leaders. The cost for EYE is $325. Included are transportation to/from the Philadelphia airport, your room, meals, event T-shirt, and activities. Transportation to Philadelphia is extra.
3 Days of Urban Mission is offered for all EYE14 participants. It is an event designed to give delegates an opportunity to engage mission in an urban environment. The participation criteria for EYE14 continue to apply throughout 3 Days of Urban Mission.
Participants should expect to engage in hands-on labor, which might include everything from painting and hauling debris to childcare and preparing meals. Participants should bring work clothes, work gloves, and closed-toe shoes.
3 Days of Urban Mission will commence with preparatory training and evening prayer at 8 p.m. on Sunday evening, July 13, and will end of Tuesday, July 15, with an evening worship service.
The cost is $275, which includes three nights of lodging (including pillows and linens), meals on Monday and Tuesday, and a breakfast to-go on Wednesday morning. Delegates will register for 3 Days of Urban Mission online with EYE14 registration
So are YOU ready to go?
Next step is to contact your priest or youth director and let them
Click here for EYE Registration Form

The ECR Fellows application deadline is March 14, 2014
Dear Friends,
The application deadline for ECF’s Fellowship Partners Program is less than one month away. As theMarch 14 deadline draws near, we are asking that all our friends and colleagues consider whether they know of an innovative scholar or ministry leader, lay or ordained, whose work fills them with a sense of hope. If so, please forward this email to them and let them know about ECF’s Fellowship Partners Program, a program that has been building a vibrant network of scholars and ministry leaders across the Church for 50 years.
Here are a few things we ask all applicants to bear in mind: |
· ECF is committed to strengthening the leadership of lay and ordained members of the Episcopal Church. All applicants to the academic and ministry tracks are asked to describe how they plan on developing the next generation of lay and ordained leaders for the Episcopal Church, whether this is in the context of academia, a local congregation, through a church-wide initiative, or in another setting.
· ECF is a lay-led organization of the Episcopal Church. ECF is especially looking for scholars and ministry leaders who incorporate lay leadership development into their work. All members of the Church, whether lay or ordained, are invited to apply. |
· An ECF Fellowship provides both financial support and networking opportunities. ECF has typically awarded three to four Fellowships per year. New awards range up to $15,000 for the first year and are renewable for an additional two years. In addition to this financial support, new Fellows join a wide network of past Fellows and ECF partners with them so that they may share their knowledge, experience, and best practices with the wider Church. |
Please visit the ECF website to learn more about the Fellowship Partners Program, the application process, and be sure to review our list of Frequently Asked Questions. You will find profiles of the 2013 Fellows here and our complete list of all ECF Fellows here. Please email me or my colleague Brendon Hunter, Assistant Program Director, should you have any questions about this program or the application process.
All of us at ECF are excited to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Fellowship Partners Program, and we eagerly anticipate welcoming and announcing the 2014 class of Fellows in late May.
Miguel Escobar
Program Director, Leadership Resources |
From the Diocesan Office…
Heartfelt thanks go to to all who assisted with the Dedication and Celebration of Bishop David this last Sunday. The event was a huge success. Many thanks also go to all those who attended and celebrated this very special day in our diocese. |
All mail for the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin,
Bishop, Canon and Administrator
is to go to the current address:
1528 Oakdale Road
Modesto, CA 95355

If there is anything time sensitive
please email
or fax:
Attention Clergy!
A Friendly Reminder
All forms sent to you in January via the post office are due to the Diocesan Office by February 27th. The forms are also on our website: www.diosanjoaquin.org.
The following forms are due:
2013 Parochial Report . Congregational Contact Form
2014 Certificate of Lay Delegate Form . Disaster Preparedness Form
Many thanks to
Holy Trinity, St. Raphael, St. James
for having all forms completed and turned in!!
Want to know what is happening in the Diocese of San Joaquin?
Click on the link below to see upcoming events and meetings around the diocese.
From Our Parishes and Missions…
on Saturday March 15th to
from 5:00-7:00 pm at Saint Matthew’s Church in San Andreas
to enjoy a traditional Irish Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner

The donation is $ 7.00 and the money raised goes to
The American Cancer Society Relay for Life
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
414 Oak Street, San Andreas, CA
Begin your Lenten Journey with us at Saint Matthew’s Church in San Andreas
NOON — LOW MASS (with the imposition of ashes)
5 — 5:30 pm Confessions will be heard at the Altar Rail
6 pm SOLEMN MASS (with the imposition of ashes)

(followed in the Parish Hall with a Soup Supper)
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
414 Oak Street,
San Andreas, CA
Christ the King Episcopal Church, Riverbank
will be hosting YOU at our Ladies’ Tea to be held on Saturday May 3rd. Put this important date on your calendars!! There will be food, music, raffles, prizes for best tables, and even a fashion show. Tickets will be available soon!! Watch this space for more info.
For our Diocesan Prayer Calendar….click here |
Bishop’s and Canon’s Visitations Calendars… |
Bishop Talton’s Calendar
March 29 Special Convention, St. Paul’s, Bakersfield
Bishop Rice’s Calendar
March 1 Southern Deanery Meeting, St. Paul’s, Bakersfield
March 2 St. Michael’s, Ridgecrest
March 5 Holy Family, Fresno
March 8 Northern Deanery Meeting, St. Anne’s, Stockton
March 9 St. James, Sonora
March 16 St. Paul’s, Visalia
March 16 Central Deanery Meeting, Holy Family, Fresno
March 29 Special Convention, St. Paul’s, Bakersfield
March 30 St. Paul’s, Bakersfield
Canon Cullinane’s Calendar
March 1 Southern Deanery Meeting, St. Paul’s, Bakersfield
March 2 St. John’s, Tulare
March 8 Northern Deanery Meeting, St. Anne’s, Stockton
March 9 St. Anne’s, Stockton
March 29 Special Convention, St. Paul’s, Bakersfield
Have you checked it out?
Keep up to date on news and events with our
NEW Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin website
Click here: Our Website
Contributions to the Friday Reflection are most welcome and are due by the Tuesday before the Friday Reflection is scheduled to go out. Articles are to be submitted in word document format and pictures in jpeg format for best results.
Contact Information: Ellen Meyer